Converting a nested dictionary to a list

2024/9/21 1:46:00

I know there are many dict to list questions on here but I can't quite find the information I need for my situation so I'm asking a new quetion.

Some background: I'm using a hierarchical package for my models and the built-in function which generates the tree structure outputs a nested loop to indicate parents, children, etc. My goal is to keep the logic in views and output a list so that I can simply loop over it in my templates.

Here is my data, in the tree structure:


Here is the nested dictionary I am getting as a result

{<Part: 1.1>:{<Part: 1.1.1>:{<Part:>: {}}, <Part: 1.1.2>: {}},<Part: 1.2>: {<Part: 1.2.1>: {},<Part: 1.2.2>: {}}, <Part: 1.3>: {}

or if you don't like the way I tried to break it up, here is what I get in a single line:

{<Part: 1.1>: {<Part: 1.1.1>: {<Part:>: {}}, <Part: 1.1.2>: {}}, <Part: 1.2>: {<Part: 1.2.1>: {}, <Part: 1.2.2>: {}}, <Part: 1.3>: {}}

What I'd like is to get:

[<Part: 1.1>, <Part: 1.1.1>, <Part:>, <Part: 1.1.2>, <Part: 1.2>, <Part: 1.2.2>, <Part: 1.2.1>, <Part: 1.3>,]

I've tried just iterating over the key in dict.items but then I only get the top level keys (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

What do I need to do to get deeper?



I think recursion can be your friend :

top = {"<Part: 1.1>": {"<Part: 1.1.1>": {"<Part:>": {}}, "<Part: 1.1.2>": {}}, "<Part: 1.2>": {"<Part: 1.2.1>": {}, "<Part: 1.2.2>": {}}, "<Part: 1.3>": {}}def grab_children(father):local_list = []for key, value in father.iteritems():local_list.append(key)local_list.extend(grab_children(value))return local_listprint grab_children(top)

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