Merging same-indexed rows by taking non-NaNs from all of them in pandas dataframe

2024/9/20 23:45:55

I have a sparse dataframe with duplicate indices. How can I merge the same-indexed rows in a way that I keep all the non-NaN data from the conflicting rows?

I know that you can achieve something very close with the built-in drop_duplicates function, but you can only keep either the first or the last row with the same index:

df.reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset='index', keep='first').set_index('index').sort_index()

What I'd need is all non-nan values, from any of the conflicting rows.


DataFrame with A,B,C,D columns, and 1,2,2,3,4,5 rows. In the first 2-indexed row there is a 2.0 in the B column, in the second, there is a 3.0 in the D column.


enter image description here


This will select the non-NaN values from the conflicting rows. Or, if there are values in multiple conflicting rows for the same column, the maximum of them.

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