Python SVG converter creates empty file

2024/9/20 19:26:00

I have some code below that is supposed to convert a SVG image to a PNG. It runs without errors but creates a PNG file that is blank instead of one with the same image as the original SVG. I did find that it is not an error with cairo but more one relating to rsvg, which I got here.

import cairo
import rsvgimg = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 640,480)
ctx = cairo.Context(img)
handle= rsvghandler.Handle('example.svg')

I am using Python 3.6 on Windows 10.

I can't for the life of me figure out why it isn't displaying the correct picture. Any help would be hugely appreciated.


If your goal is to convert from SVG to PNG, I would recommend using Wand, as in the following script:

from wand.api import library
import wand.color
import wand.imagewith wand.image.Image() as image:with wand.color.Color('transparent') as background_color:library.MagickSetBackgroundColor(image.wand, background_color.resource), format="svg")png_image = image.make_blob("png32")with open(NAMEOFTHENEWFILE, "wb") as out:out.write(png_image)

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