Paramiko, exec_command get the output stream continuously [duplicate]

2024/9/20 8:11:21

I dry on a Python script. I create a python script for a given IP will connect via Paramiko to a server to execute another Python script.

Here is some code:

self._client = paramiko.SSHClient()
self._client.connect(self._ip, username=self._server['username'], password=self._server['password'])
channel = self._client.get_transport().open_session()
channel.exec_command('python3 /tmp/ /tmp/' + self._ip + '.txt 0 1')

The script "" returns every X seconds a line in the console of the remote machine, but I can not recover as and when these lines in the script above (at the exit of exec_command (. ..)).

Is this possible, and if so have you any idea how?

Thank you in advance.


This should do the trick:

stdin, stdout, stderr = channel.exec_command("python")
for line in iter(lambda: stdout.readline(2048), ""):print(line, end="")

As specified in the read([size]) documentation, if you don't specify a size, it reads until EOF, that makes the script wait until the command ends before returning from read() and printing any output.

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