How to write a Dictionary to Excel in Python

2024/9/19 10:13:16

I have the following dictionary in python that represents a From - To Distance Matrix.

graph = {'A':{'A':0,'B':6,'C':INF,'D':6,'E':7},'B':{'A':INF,'B':0,'C':5,'D':INF,'E':INF},'C':{'A':INF,'B':INF,'C':0,'D':9,'E':3},'D':{'A':INF,'B':INF,'C':9,'D':0,'E':7},'E':{'A':INF,'B':4,'C':INF,'D':INF,'E':0}}

Is it possible to output this matrix into excel or to a csv file so that it has the following format? I have looked into using csv.writer and csv.DictWriter but can not produce the desired output.

enter image description here


You may create a pandas dataframe from that dict, then save to CSV or Excel:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(graph).T  # transpose to look just like the sheet above

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