Geocoding using Geopy and Python

2024/9/8 10:40:25

I am trying to Geocode a CSV file that contains the name of the location and a parsed out address which includes Address number, Street name, city, zip, country. I want to use GEOPY and ArcGIS Geocodes through Geopy.I wanted to create a code that loops through my csv of 5000+ entries and gives me the latitude and longitude in separate columns in my CSV. I want to use ArcGIS Geocoding service through Geopy. Can anyone provide me with a code to get started? Thanks!

Here is my script:

import csv
from geopy.geocoders import ArcGISgeolocator = ArcGIS()     # here some parameters are neededwith open('C:/Users/v-albaut/Desktop/Test_Geo.csv', 'rb') as csvinput:with open('output.csv', 'w') as csvoutput:output_fieldnames = ['Name','Address', 'Latitude', 'Longitude']writer = csv.DictWriter(csvoutput, delimiter=',', fieldnames=output_fieldnames)reader = csv.DictReader(csvinput)for row in reader:# here you have to replace the dict item by your csv column namesquery = ','.join(str(x) for x in (row['Name'], row['Address']))Address, (latitude, longitude) = geolocator.geocode(query)# here is the writing sectionoutput_row = {}output_row['Name'] = Nameoutput_row['Address'] = Addressoutput_row['Latitude'] = Latitudeoutput_row['Longitude'] =Longitudewriter.writerow(output_row)

I've been using this script to do some batch-geocoding from .csv. It requires that one column contain the complete text address that you wish to geocode, and that one column be titled 'UniqueID', which has a unique identifier for each item in the .csv. It will also print out a list of any addresses that it failed to geocode. It also does a quick check to see if the zip code might be incorrect/throwing off the geocoding:

def main(path, filename):
# path to where your .csv lives, and the name of the csv.import geopyfrom geopy.geocoders import ArcGISimport pandas as pdTarget_Addresses = pd.read_csv(path+'\\'+filename)Target_Addresses['Lat'] = np.nanTarget_Addresses['Long'] = np.nanIndexed_Targets = Target_Addresses.set_index('UniqueID')geolocator = ArcGIS() #some parameters hereFails = []for index, row in Indexed_Targets.iterrows():Address = row['Address']Result = geolocator.geocode(Address)if Result == None:Result = geolocator.geocode(Address[:-7])if Result == None:Fails.append[Address]else:Indexed_Targets.set_value(index, 'Lat', Result.latitude)Indexed_Targets.set_value(index, 'Long', Result.longitude)else:Indexed_Targets.set_value(index, 'Lat', Result.latitude)Indexed_Targets.set_value(index, 'Long', Result.longitude)for address in Fails:print addressIndexed_Targets.to_csv(filename[:-4]+"_RESULTS.csv")if __name__ == '__main__':main(path, filename) # whatever these are for you...

This will output a new csv with "_RESULTS" (e.g., an input of 'addresses.csv' will output 'addresses_RESULTS.csv') with two new columns for 'Lat' and 'Long'.

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