Pandas assert_frame_equal error

2024/9/21 0:47:54

I'm building test cases and I want to compare 2 dataframes. Even though dataframe have the same columns and values assert_frame_equal reports are not equal. Column order is different, I tried reordering columns without any success.

In my test case Im using the following function:

testing.assert_frame_equal(expected, tested, check_dtype=False)

The first dataframe is declared like this:

    df2 = pandas.DataFrame({'artista': [u'Beyoncé', 'Radiolab', 'Xmas', 'Beyonce'],'mid_sugerido': ['/g/11bz0dg4b_', '/g/11bt_6j9dk', '/g/11c2nz8jc2', '/g/11bt_6jXXX'],'texto': ['Lemonade', 'Radiolab', 'Merry Christmas Lil Mama', 'Beyonce'],'busqueda': [u'Beyoncé', 'Radiolab', 'Xmas', 'Beyonce'],'texto_sugerido': ['Lemonade', 'Radiolab', 'Merry Christmas Lil Mama', 'Beyonce'],'artista_sugerido': [u'Beyoncé', 'Radiolab', None, 'Beyonce'],'media_sugerido': ['album', 'album', 'track', 'album'],})

Pandas dataframe pd2:

    artista artista_sugerido  busqueda media_sugerido   mid_sugerido  \
0   Beyoncé          Beyoncé   Beyoncé          album  /g/11bz0dg4b_   
1  Radiolab         Radiolab  Radiolab          album  /g/11bt_6j9dk   
2      Xmas             None      Xmas          track  /g/11c2nz8jc2   
3   Beyonce          Beyonce   Beyonce          album  /g/11bt_6jXXX   texto            texto_sugerido  
0                  Lemonade                  Lemonade  
1                  Radiolab                  Radiolab  
2  Merry Christmas Lil Mama  Merry Christmas Lil Mama  
3                   Beyonce                   Beyonce  

The second dataframe is the dataframe returned from function (result).

    artista  busqueda   mid_sugerido                     texto  \
0   Beyoncé   Beyoncé  /g/11bz0dg4b_                  Lemonade   
1  Radiolab  Radiolab  /g/11bt_6j9dk                  Radiolab   
2      Xmas      Xmas  /g/11c2nz8jc2  Merry Christmas Lil Mama   
3   Beyonce   Beyonce  /g/11bt_6jXXX                   Beyonce   texto_sugerido artista_sugerido media_sugerido  
0                  Lemonade          Beyoncé          album  
1                  Radiolab         Radiolab          album  
2  Merry Christmas Lil Mama             None          track  
3                   Beyonce          Beyonce          album 

I get the following error when i run: assert_frame_equal(df2, result)

Traceback (most recent call last):File "/Users/spicyramen/Documents/Development/parzee/python/coverage/experimental/", line 158, in <module>assert_frame_equal(df6, _Normalize(df5, test_dict))File "/Users/spicyramen/Documents/Development/parzee/python/coverage/experimental/", line 16, in assert_frame_equaltesting.assert_frame_equal(expected, tested, check_dtype=False)File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/util/", line 1142, in assert_frame_equalobj='{0}.columns'.format(obj))File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/util/", line 761, in assert_index_equalobj=obj, lobj=left, robj=right)File "pandas/src/testing.pyx", line 58, in pandas._testing.assert_almost_equal (pandas/src/testing.c:3887)File "pandas/src/testing.pyx", line 147, in pandas._testing.assert_almost_equal (pandas/src/testing.c:2769)File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/util/", line 915, in raise_assert_detailraise AssertionError(msg)
AssertionError: DataFrame.columns are differentDataFrame.columns values are different (85.71429 %)
[left]:  Index([u'artista', u'artista_sugerido', u'busqueda', u'media_sugerido',u'mid_sugerido', u'texto', u'texto_sugerido'],dtype='object')
[right]: Index([u'artista', u'busqueda', u'mid_sugerido', u'texto', u'texto_sugerido',u'artista_sugerido', u'media_sugerido'],dtype='object')

Columns are the same, but different order, If I use df.sort_index(axis=1) to reorder columns I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):File "/Users/spicyramen/Documents/Development/parzee/python/coverage/experimental/", line 154, in <module>assert_frame_equal(df6.sort_index(axis=1), _Normalize(df5, test_dict).sort_index(axis=1))File "/Users/spicyramen/Documents/Development/parzee/python/coverage/experimental/", line 16, in assert_frame_equaltesting.assert_frame_equal(expected, tested, check_dtype=False, check_like=False)File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/util/", line 1166, in assert_frame_equalobj='DataFrame.iloc[:, {0}]'.format(i))File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/util/", line 1049, in assert_series_equalcheck_less_precise, obj='{0}'.format(obj))File "pandas/src/testing.pyx", line 58, in pandas._testing.assert_almost_equal (pandas/src/testing.c:3887)File "pandas/src/testing.pyx", line 147, in pandas._testing.assert_almost_equal (pandas/src/testing.c:2769)File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/util/", line 914, in raise_assert_detail[right]: {3}""".format(obj, message, left, right)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 7: ordinal not in range(128)

I solved it by replacing:

assert_frame_equal(df2.sort_index(axis=1), myfunction(df1).sort_index(axis=1)) 


l  = myfunction(df1)
assert_frame_equal(df2.sort_index(axis=1), l.sort_index(axis=1))

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