Force Nosetests to Use Python 2.7 instead of 3.4

2024/9/20 8:06:35

I've been learning Python using version 3.4. I recently started learning so have been using Python 2.7 for that, since not supported in Python 3.4. I have nose 1.3.4 module installed for both Python 3.4 and 2.7. I need to run the nosetests command on some Python code written in 2.7 that uses the module. However, when I type nosetests command it automatically uses Python 3.4, so is throwing an error as unable to import the module in my Python code. Is there a way to force nosetests to use Python 2.7? Macbook Pro running OS X Yosemite.


As @dano suggeted in his comment:

Try python2.7 -m nose instead of running nosetests.

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