delete node in binary search tree python

2024/9/8 10:59:07

The code below is my implement for my binary search tree, and I want to implement delete method to remove the node. Below is my implementation, but when I perform

bst = BSTRee()

when I call delete method, it did nothing. Can someone help me to fix it. The link below is my code on github. Thank you so much for your help.

class BSTreeNodedef ____init__(self, value): self.value = value self.left = None self.right = Nonedef insert(self,key): if self.value == key: print ("the node already exists")return False elif self.value > key: if self.left is not None: return self.left.insert(key)else: self.left = BSTreeNode(key)return Trueelse: if self.right is not None: return self.right.insert(key)else: self.right = BSTreeNode(key)return Falsedef delete(self, node, k):if node == None: return Noneelif node.value == k: if node.left is None and node.right is None: return Noneelif node.left is None: return node.rightelif node.right is None: return node.left else: node.value = get_min(node.right)node.right.delete(node.right,node.value)elif k < node.value: node.left.delete(node.left,k)else: node.right.delete(node.right,k)return nodeclass BSTree: def __init__(self): self.root = None def delete(self,key): self.root.delete(self.root,key)def insert(self,data): if self.root: self.root.insert(data)else: self.root = BSTreeNode(data)return True def find_min(self,node):current_node = nodewhile current_node.left: current_node = current_node.leftreturn current_nodedef get_min(node): current_node = nodewhile current_node.left: current_node = current_node.leftreturn str(current_node.value)def print_helper(root, indent):if root is not None:print_helper(root.right, indent + "   ")print (indent + str(root.value))print_helper(root.left, indent + "   ")def print_tree(root):print_helper(root, "")
def delete(self, key):""" delete the node with the given key and return the root node of the tree """if self.key == key:# found the node we need to deleteif self.right and self.left: # get the successor node and its parent [psucc, succ] = self.right._findMin(self)# splice out the successor# (we need the parent to do this) if psucc.left == succ:psucc.left = succ.rightelse:psucc.right = succ.right# reset the left and right children of the successorsucc.left = self.leftsucc.right = self.rightreturn succ                else:# "easier" caseif self.left:return self.left    # promote the left subtreeelse:return self.right   # promote the right subtree else:if self.key > key:          # key should be in the left subtreeif self.left:self.left = self.left.delete(key)# else the key is not in the tree else:                       # key should be in the right subtreeif self.right:self.right = self.right.delete(key)return selfdef _findMin(self, parent):""" return the minimum node in the current tree and its parent """# we use an ugly trick: the parent node is passed in as an argument# so that eventually when the leftmost child is reached, the # call can return both the parent to the successor and the successorif self.left:return self.left._findMin(self)else:return [parent, self]

This might help. For complete code and better understanding go to For code Binary search Tree in Python

For explanation Notes on BST in Python As per my knowledge its working fine.

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