Logging django.request to file instead of console

2024/10/18 12:54:30

I am trying to configure my django settings.py to properly use the python logging facility but I've stumbled upon a rather strange problem:

Even after reading the docs, I simply can't find out how to redirect the console printed debug request lines from Django to a file I've specified; Below is part of my logging configuration.

LOGGING = {'version': 1,'formatters': {'simple': {'format': '%(levelname)s %(message)s'},}'handlers': {'file_http': {'level': 'DEBUG','class': 'logging.FileHandler','filename': r'C:\mysystem-http.log','formatter': 'verbose'}},'loggers': {'django.request': {'handlers': ['file_http'],'level': 'DEBUG','propagate': False}}

I keep seeing my console print line of the following format:

[19/Dec/2014 11:48:03] "POST /api/v1/ HTTP/1.1" 200 10

How may I redirect these to a file using the logging facility?

Thanks in advance


manage.py runserver is not using logging system for messages like [19/Dec/2014 11:48:03] "POST /api/v1/ HTTP/1.1" 200 10. Instead of this, runserver uses sys.stderr (and sys.stdout for others messages). If you really need to redirect this to file you can override sys.stderr settings.py. Example - logging sys.stderr to file and console:

import sysclass Logger(object):def __init__(self):self.console = sys.stderrself.file = open("runserver.log", "a", 0)def write(self, msg):self.console.write(msg)self.file.write(msg)sys.stderr = Logger()

In write method you can use logging system to handle this by LOGGING settings as well.


In Django 1.10, runserver output goes through logging: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/1.10/#runserver-output-goes-through-logging


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