Python regex convert youtube url to youtube video

2024/9/19 9:43:09

I'm making a regex so I can find youtube links (can be multiple) in a piece of HTML text posted by an user.

Currently I'm using the following regex to change '' into displaying the corresponding youtube video:

return re.compile('(http(s|):\/\/|)(www.|)youtube.(com|nl)\/watch\?v\=([a-zA-Z0-9-_=]+)').sub(tag, value)

(where the variable 'tag' is a bit of html so the video works and 'value' a user post)

Now this works.. until the url is like this:


Now I'm hoping you guys could help me figure how to also match the '&feature...' part so it disappears.

Example HTML:

No replies to this post..Youtube vid: blabla

Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated



Here how I'm solving it:

import redef youtube_url_validation(url):youtube_regex = (r'(https?://)?(www\.)?''(youtube|youtu|youtube-nocookie)\.(com|be)/''(watch\?v=|embed/|v/|.+\?v=)?([^&=%\?]{11})')youtube_regex_match = re.match(youtube_regex, url)if youtube_regex_match:return youtube_regex_matchreturn youtube_regex_match


youtube_urls_test = ['','', '" frameborder="0"','','','']for url in youtube_urls_test:m = youtube_url_validation(url)if m:print('OK {}'.format(url))print(m.groups())print('FAIL {}'.format(url))

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