airflow webserver command fails with {} ERROR - Operation not permitted

2024/9/8 10:51:53
  • I am installing airflow on a Cent OS 7. I have configured airflow db init and checked the status of the nginx server as well its working fine. But when I run the airflow webserver command I am getting the below mentioned error*[2021-03-22 14:59:30 +0000] [9019] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 9019 [2021-03-22 14:59:32,548] {} ERROR - set key '\x1b[01m__wz_cache_count\x1b[22m' -> [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/tmp/tmpdwzf56wm.__wz_cache' -> '/tmp/2029240f6d1128be89ddc32729463129'

I have faced the same issue and just resolved it by setting PrivateTmp=true in the systemd service script of airflow-webserver.

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