Split marker and line in Legend - Matplotlib

2024/10/18 15:00:56

I want to make a legend where I specify the value for the markers and the value for the lines but not the combination of both.

This example should help to illustrate my goal:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as nppi=3.14
xx=np.linspace(0,2*pi,100)fig = plt.figure()
ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)phases=[0,pi/4,pi/2]
markers=['s','o','^']for phase,mk in zip(phases,markers):labeltext='Sine' + '*' + str(phase)F=[np.sin(x+phase) for x in xx]ax.plot(xx,F,color='b',marker=mk,label=labeltext)labeltext='Cosine' + '*' + str(phase)F=[np.cos(x+phase) for x in xx]ax.plot(xx,F,color='g',marker=mk,label=labeltext)hand, labl = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
#hand, labl = function_to_split(hand,labl,'*')

The resulting figure is the following MWE figure

What I wanted is a function_to_split to automatically end up with a legend like this:

[blue line] Sine
[green line] Cosine
[black square] 0
[black circle] 0.785
[black triangle] 1.57

I figured it out by automatically creating fictitious handles.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as npdef function_to_split(hand,labl,dividor):Hand_L=[]Hand_M=[]Labl_L=[]Labl_M=[]for h,l in zip(hand,labl):co=h.get_color()ls=h.get_linestyle()lw=h.get_linewidth()mk=h.get_marker()mew=h.get_markeredgewidth()ms=h.get_markersize()LABS=l.split(dividor)if len(LABS) != 2:print 'Split Legends Error: Only exactly 1 Dividor is accepted.'print '                     Currently ' + str(len(LABS)-1) + ' dividors were given'return hand,labl#Line and ColorLICO = plt.Line2D((0,1),(0,0), color=co, marker='', linestyle=ls,linewidth=lw)#MarkerMARK = plt.Line2D((0,1),(0,0), color='k', marker=mk, markeredgewidth=mew, markersize=ms, linestyle='')if LABS[0] not in Labl_L:Hand_L.append(LICO)Labl_L.append(LABS[0])if LABS[1] not in Labl_M:Hand_M.append(MARK)Labl_M.append(LABS[1])return Hand_L+Hand_M,Labl_L+Labl_Mpi=3.14
xx=np.linspace(0,2*pi,100)fig = plt.figure()
ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)phases=[0,pi/4,pi/2]
markers=['s','o','^']for phase,mk in zip(phases,markers):labeltext='Sine' + '*' + str(phase)F=[np.sin(x+phase) for x in xx]ax.plot(xx,F,color='b',marker=mk,label=labeltext)labeltext='Cosine' + '*' + str(phase)F=[np.cos(x+phase) for x in xx]ax.plot(xx,F,color='g',marker=mk,label=labeltext)hand, labl = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
hand, labl = function_to_split(hand,labl,'*')

enter image description here


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