Using absolute_import and handling relative module name conflicts in python [duplicate]

2024/9/19 9:46:18

I really hope this is a simple case of me miss-understanding the complex Python2 import mechanisms. I have the following setup:

$> ls -ltr pypackage1 
total 3
-rw-r--r-- 1 pelson pelson   0 Aug 17 19:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 pelson pelson   0 Aug 17 19:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 pelson pelson  57 Aug 17 19:22
$> cat pypackage1/ 
from __future__ import absolute_importimport zipfile

i.e. I have nothing but a stub package with an empty and, and a 2 lines file.

I can import pypackage1:

$> python -c "import pypackage1.code"

But I cannot run the file:

$> python pypackage1/
Traceback (most recent call last):File "pypackage1/", line 3, in <module>import zipfileFile "python2.7/", line 462, in <module>class ZipExtFile(io.BufferedIOBase):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'BufferedIOBase'

Clearly the problem has to do with the zipfile module picking up my relative io module over the builtin io module, but I thought my from __future__ import absolute_import would have fixed that.

Thanks in advance for any help,


That's the correct behaviour. If you want to fix the error simply do not run from inside the package.

When you run a script which is inside the package, python wont interpret that directory as a package, thus adding the working directory to the PYTHONPATH. That's why the io module imported by the zipfile module is your io module and not the one inside the standard library.

I'd recommend to create a simple launcher script outside your package (or in a bin/scripts folder), and launch that. This script can simply contain something like:

from pypackage1 import codecode.main()

An alternative to this is to tell the python interpreter that the file that you want to execute is part of a module. You can do this using the -m command line option. In your case you would have to do:

python -m pypackage1.code

Note that the argument of -m should be the module name, not the file name.

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