Django Logging with FileHandler not Working

2024/10/18 12:42:16

I am using the logging setup below with a django project (also using sentry/raven). The sentry/raven bit is working fine, but the file logging isn't. An empty logfile is created, but whenever I use'foo') nothing comes up in the log file (i.e. it remains empty). Any suggestions?

LOGGING = {'version': 1,'disable_existing_loggers': True,'root': {'level': 'WARNING','handlers': ['sentry'],},'formatters': {'verbose': {'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'},},'handlers': {'sentry': {'level': 'ERROR','class': 'raven.contrib.django.handlers.SentryHandler',},'file': {'level': 'INFO','class': 'logging.FileHandler','filename': '/var/log/django/breeding.log',},'console': {'level': 'DEBUG','class': 'logging.StreamHandler','formatter': 'verbose'}},'loggers': {'django.db.backends': {'level': 'ERROR','handlers': ['console'],'propagate': False,},'raven': {'level': 'DEBUG','handlers': ['console'],'propagate': False,},'sentry.errors': {'level': 'DEBUG','handlers': ['console'],'propagate': False,},},

I ran into this same issue. It turned out to be a permissions problem. When I ran the development server for the first time after configuring logging, it created the file /var/log/django/request.log owned by my local user (stretch) with mode 644.

When I started the "production" server (nginx/uwsgi), the service would run as the www-data user and was unable to open /var/log/django/request.log for writing. Simply deleting the log file and restarting uwsgi was enough to get it going, but I'll have to come up with a more elegant long-term fix.

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