AttributeError: tuple object has no attribute write

2024/9/8 10:35:42

I have a homework assignment for a Python class and am running into an error that I don't understand. Running Python IDLE v3.2.2 on Windows 7.

Below is where the problem is happening:

#local variables
cost=''#prompt user how many entries
number=int(input('\nHow many items to add?: '))#open file
openfile=('test.txt','w')#starts for loop to write new lines
for count in range(1,number+1):print('\nFor item #',count,'.',sep='')item=input('Name:  ')cost=float(input('Cost: $'))#write to fileopenfile.write(item+'\n')openfile.write(cost+'\n')#Display message and closes file
print('Records written to test.txt.',sep='')

This is the error that I am getting:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "I:\Cent 110\", line 19, in openfile.write(item+'\n')
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'write'


You're missing the open.

openfile = open('test.txt','w')

And at the end there are missing parens when you try to close the file


Edit: I just saw another problem.


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