Breaking a parent function from within a child function (PHP Preferrably)

2024/9/8 10:32:42

I was challenged how to break or end execution of a parent function without modifying the code of the parent, using PHP

I cannot figure out any solution, other than die(); in the child, which would end all execution, and so anything after the parent function call would end. Any ideas?

code example:

function victim() {echo "I should be run";killer();echo "I should not";
function killer() {//code to break parent here
echo "This should still run";
function victim() {echo "I should be run";killer();echo "I should not";
function killer() {throw new Exception('Die!');
}try {victim();
} catch (Exception $e) {// note that catch blocks shouldn't be empty :)
echo "This should still run";

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