Python Twisted integration with Cmd module

2024/9/8 9:25:47

I like Python's Twisted and Cmd. I want to use them together.

I got some things working, but so far I haven't figured out how to make tab-completion work, because I don't see how to receive tab keypres events right away (without pressing Enter) in Twisted's LineReceiver.

Here's my code so far:

#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom cmd import Cmd
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.stdio import StandardIO
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiverclass CommandProcessor(Cmd):def do_EOF(self, line):return Trueclass LineProcessor(LineReceiver):from os import linesep as delimiter # makes newline workdef __init__(self):self.processor = CommandProcessor()self.setRawMode()def connectionMade(self):self.transport.write('>>> ')def rawDataReceived(self, data):self.processor.onecmd(data)self.transport.write('>>> ')StandardIO(LineProcessor())

Apart from tab completion, this somewhat works. I can enter a command like "help" and the Cmd module will print the results. But I've lost the nifty tab-complete functionality of the Cmd module, because Twisted is buffering one line at a time. I tried setting LineProcessor.delimiter to the empty string, to no avail. Maybe I need to find some other piece of Twisted to use instead of LineReceiver? Or maybe there's a simpler approach that will avoid my having to process every character one-by-one?

I can't use Cmd alone, because I want to make this a network application, where some commands will result in sending data, and receiving data from the network will happen asynchronously (and be displayed to the user).

So whether we start from the above code or something completely different, I'd like to build a nice, friendly terminal application in Python that responds to network events and also to tab completion. I hope I can use what's already out there and not have to implement too much myself.


You have a couple of difficulties with this approach:

  • Cmd.onecmd is not going to do any tab processing.
  • Even if it did, your terminal needs to be in cbreak mode in order for individual keystrokes to make it to the Python interpreter (tty.setcbreak can take care of that).
  • As you know, Cmd.cmdloop is not reactor aware and will block waiting for input.
  • Yet, to get all of the cool line-editing you want, Cmd (actually readline) needs to have direct access to stdin and stdout.

Given all of these difficulties, you might want to look at letting the CommandProcessor run in its own thread. For example:

#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom cmd import Cmd
from twisted.internet import reactorclass CommandProcessor(Cmd):def do_EOF(self, line):return Truedef do_YEP(self, line):reactor.callFromThread(on_main_thread, "YEP")def do_NOPE(self, line):reactor.callFromThread(on_main_thread, "NOPE")def on_main_thread(item):print "doing", itemdef heartbeat():print "heartbeat"reactor.callLater(1.0, heartbeat)reactor.callLater(1.0, heartbeat)

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