Workflow for adding new columns from Pandas to SQLite tables

2024/9/8 10:35:34


Two tables: schools and students. The index (or keys) in SQLite will be id and time for the students table and school and time for the schools table. My dataset is about something different, but I think the school-student example is easier to understand.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sqlite3df_students = pd.DataFrame(
{'id': list(range(0,4)) + list(range(0,4)),
'time': [0]*4 + [1]*4, 'school': ['A']*2 + ['B']*2 + ['A']*2 + ['B']*2,
'satisfaction': np.random.rand(8)} )
df_students.set_index(['id', 'time'], inplace=True)satisfaction    school
id  time        
0   0   0.863023    A
1   0   0.929337    A
2   0   0.705265    B
3   0   0.160457    B
0   1   0.208302    A
1   1   0.029397    A
2   1   0.266651    B
3   1   0.646079    Bdf_schools = pd.DataFrame({'school': ['A']*2 + ['B']*2, 'time': [0]*2 + [1]*2, 'mean_scores': np.random.rand(4)})
df_schools.set_index(['school', 'time'], inplace=True)
school  time    
A       0     0.358154
A       0     0.142589
B       1     0.260951
B       1     0.683727## Send to SQLite3conn = sqlite3.connect('schools_students.sqlite')df_students.to_sql('students', conn)
df_schools.to_sql('schools', conn)

What do I need to do?

I have a bunch of functions that operate over pandas dataframes and create new columns that should then be inserted in either the schools or the students table (depending on what I'm constructing). A typical function does, in order:

  1. Queries columns from both SQL tables
  2. Uses pandas functions such as groupby, apply of custom functions, rolling_mean, etc. (many of them not available on SQL, or difficult to write) to construct a new column. The return type is either pd.Series or np.array
  3. Adds the new column to the appropriate dataframe (schools or students)

These functions were written when I had a small database that fitted in memory so they are pure pandas.

Here's an example in pseudo-code:

def example_f(satisfaction, mean_scores)"""Silly function that divides mean satisfaction per school by mean score"""#here goes the pandas functions I already wrotemean_satisfaction = mean(satisfaction) return mean_satisfaction/mean_scoressatisf_div_score = example_f(satisfaction, mean_scores)
# Here push satisf_div_score to `schools` table

Because my dataset is really large, I'm not able to call these functions in memory. Imagine that schools are located in different districts. Originally I only had one district, so I know these functions can work with data from each district separately.

A workflow that I think would work is:

  • Query relevant data for district i
  • Apply function to data for district i and produce new columns as np.array or pd.Series
  • Insert this column at the appropriate table (would fill data for district i of that columns
  • Repeat for districts from i = 1 to K

Although my dataset is in SQLite (and I'd prefer it to stay that way!) I'm open to migrating it to something else if the benefits are large.

I realize there are different reasonable answers, but it would be great to hear something that has proved useful and simple for you. Thanks!


There are several approaches, you may select which are better for your particular task:

  1. Move all data to "bigger" database. Personally I prefer PostgreSQL - it plays very well with big datasets. Fortunately pandas support SQLAlchemy - cross-database ORM, so you may use the same queries with different databases.

  2. Split data into chunks and calculate for any chunk separately. I'll demo it with PostgreSQL, but you may use any DB.

    from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    import psycopg2
    mydb = create_engine('postgresql://[email protected]:5432/database')
    # lets select some groups of data into first dataframe, 
    # you may use school ids instead of my sections
    df=pd.read_sql_query('''SELECT sections, count(id) FROM table WHERE created_at <'2016-01-01' GROUP BY sections ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10''', con=mydb)
    print(df)  # don't worry about strange output - sections have type int[] and it's supported well!sections     count
    0  [121, 227]  104583
    1  [296, 227]   48905
    2  [121]        43599
    3  [302, 227]   29684 
    4  [298, 227]   26814
    5  [294, 227]   24071
    6  [297, 227]   23038
    7  [292, 227]   22019
    8  [282, 227]   20369
    9  [283, 227]   19908# Now we have some sections and we can select only data related to them
    for section in df['sections']:df2 = pd.read_sql_query('''SELECT sections, name, created_at, updated_at, status FROM table WHERE created_at <'2016-01-01'   AND sections=%(section)s ORDER BY created_at''', con=mydb, params=dict(section=section))print(section, df2.std())[121, 227] status    0.478194
    dtype: float64
    [296, 227] status    0.544706
    dtype: float64
    [121] status    0.499901
    dtype: float64
    [302, 227] status    0.504573
    dtype: float64
    [298, 227] status    0.518472
    dtype: float64
    [294, 227] status    0.46254
    dtype: float64
    [297, 227] status    0.525619
    dtype: float64
    [292, 227] status    0.627244
    dtype: float64
    [282, 227] status    0.362891
    dtype: float64
    [283, 227] status    0.406112
    dtype: float64

    Of course this example is synthetic - it's quite ridiculous to calculate average status on articles :) But it demonstrates how to split lots of data and treat it in portions.

  3. Use specific PostgreSQL (or Oracle or MS or any you like) for statistics. Here's excellent documentations on Window Functions in PostgreSQL. Luckily you may perform some calcs in DB and move prefabbed data to DataFrame as above.

UPDATE: How to load information back to database.

Fortunately, DataFrame support method to_sql to make this process easy:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
mydb = create_engine('postgresql://[email protected]:5432/database')
df2.to_sql('tablename', mydb, if_exists='append', chunksize=100)

You may specify action you need: if_exists='append' add rows to table, if you have a lot of rows you may split them to chunks, so db could insert them.

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