a class with all static methods [closed]

2024/9/8 9:13:38

I have a python Class with all methods being static,

class SomeClass:@staticmethoddef somemethod(...):pass@staticmethoddef somemethod2(...):pass@staticmethoddef somemethod3(...):pass

Is it the right way to do so?


If all the methods are static, you DON'T need a class.

(Same if you have a class with only an init and 1 method)


class SomeClass:@staticmethoddef somemethod(...):pass@staticmethoddef somemethod2(...):pass@staticmethoddef somemethod3(...):pass

Then you use it mostly like:

from someclass import SomeClass
some_class = SomeClass()

I always refactor such class into simple methods


def somemethod(...):passdef somemethod2(...):passdef somemethod3(...):pass

then I use it this way:

import someclass

Isn't this cleaner and simpler?

Extra info

class SomeClass:foo = 1def __init__(self, bar):self.bar = barself.foo = 2@staticmethoddef somemethod():# no access to self nor cls but can read foo via SomeClass.foo (1)foo = SomeClass.fooSomeClass.someclassmethod()...@classmethoddef someclassmethod(cls, ...):# access to cls, cls.foo (always 1), no access to barfoo = cls.foo...def someinstancemethod(self, ...):# access to self, self.bar, self.foo (2 instead of 1 because of init)foo = self.foobar = self.barself.somemethod()self.someclassmethod()...

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