ZMQ Pub-Sub Program Failure When Losing Network Connectivity

2024/9/8 10:50:03

I have a simple pub-sub setup on a mid-sized network, using ZMQ 2.1. Although some subscribers are using C# bindings, others are using Python bindings, and the issue I'm having is the same for either.

If I pull the network cable from a machine running a subscriber, I get an un-catchable error that immediately terminates that subscriber.

Here's a very simple example of a subscriber in Python (not actual production code, but enough to reproduce the problem):

import zmqdef main(server_address, port):context = zmq.Context()sub_socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)sub_socket.connect("tcp://" + server_address + ":" + str(port))sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "KITH1S2")while True:msg = sub_socket.recv()      print msg  if __name__ == "__main__": main("company-intranet", 4000)

In C# the program simply terminates silently. In Python I at least get this:

Assertion failed: rc == 0 (....\src\zmq_connector.cpp:48)

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application's support team for more information.

I've tried non-blocking versions, and poller versions, but in either case this instant termination problem persists. Is there something obvious I should be doing but I'm not? (That is, obvious to someone else :) ).


Found the following:

Seems as though it is/was a known issue.

That link further links to Github, where a change log for 2.1.10 has this note:

  • Fixed issue 207, assertion failure in zmq_connecter.cpp:48, when aninvalid zmq_connect() string was used, or the hostname could not beresolved. The zmq_connect() call now returns -1 in both those cases.

Although connect() does indeed throw an Invalid Argument exception in Python (not C# apparently?), recv() still fails. If the subscriber machine suddenly loses the network, that subscriber will simply stop functioning.

So - I'm going to try using IP addresses instead of named addresses to see if this will bypass the issue. Not ideal, but better than insta-crash.


Original question: Is there something obvious I should be doing but I'm not?


The workaround for now is to use IP addressing. This does not cause program failure upon network disconnect for ZMQ 2.1.x.

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