Python: Opening a file without creating a lock

2024/10/18 15:10:25

I'm trying to create a script in Python to back up some files. But, these files could be renamed or deleted at any time. I don't want my script to prevent that by locking the file; the file should be able to still be deleted at any time during the backup.

How can I do this in Python? And, what happens? Do my objects just become null if the stream cannot be read?

Thank you! I'm somewhat new to Python.


As mentioned by @kindall, this is a Windows-specific issue. Unix OSes allow deleting.

To do this in Windows, I needed to use win32file.CreateFile() to use the Windows-specific dwSharingMode flag (in Python's pywin32, it's just called shareMode).

Rough Example:

import msvcrt
import os
import win32filepy_handle = win32file.CreateFile('filename.txt',win32file.GENERIC_READ,win32file.FILE_SHARE_DELETE| win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ| win32file.FILE_SHARE_WRITE,None,win32file.OPEN_EXISTING,win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,None
try:with os.fdopen(msvcrt.open_osfhandle(py_handle.handle, os.O_RDONLY)) as file_descriptor:... # read from `file_descriptor`

Note: if you need to keep the win32-file open beyond the lifetime of the file-handle object returned, you should invoke PyHandle.detach() on that handle.

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