IndexError: fail to coerce slice entry of type tensorvariable to integer

2024/9/16 18:11:34

I run "ipython" and it gave me error message as below

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)  
/home/ml/ in <module>()  8 fff = theano.function(inputs=[index],  9                         outputs=cost,  
---> 10                         givens={x: train_set_x[index: index+1]})  IndexError: failed to coerce slice entry of type TensorVariable to integer"   

I search the forum and no luck, is there someone can help ? thanks! :

import theano.tensor as T    
import theano    
import numpy    
index =T.lscalar()    
cost=x +index    
fff=theano.function(inputs=[index],    outputs=cost,    givens={x:train_set_x[index: index+1]})   #<--- Error here    

Change train_set_x variable to theano.shared variable, and the code is OK. I dont know the reason, but it works! Hope this post can help others. The correct code is as below

import theano.tensor as T    
import theano    
import numpy    
index =T.lscalar()    
cost=x +index    
train_set_x=numpy.arange(100.).reshape([20,5]) #<--- change to float,#because shared must be floatX type#change to shared variable
shared_x = theano.shared(train_set_x)fff=theano.function(inputs=[index],    outputs=cost,    givens={x:shared_x[index: index+1]})  #<----change to shared_x

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