Flask blueprints with gevent working outside of application context

2024/7/2 15:06:43

I am trying to send emails asynchronously with in Flask with gevent via flask-mail. I am getting "working outside of application context". I am aware of with app.app_context() but I cannot get it to work with my setup.

My application is created with an application factory like this:


from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
from my_project.app import create_app
from my_project.config import DevConfigapp = create_app(DevConfig)
http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app)


def create_app(config=None, app_name=None, blueprints=None):app = Flask(app_name)configure_app(app, config)<other stuff>return app

And the code that I use to send emails:


def do_something():do_stuff(something)


def do_stuff(something):send_email(msg)@async
def send_async_email(msg):mail.send(msg)def send_mail(request_id, recipients, email_type, env=None, pool=None):msg = Message(sender=sender,recipients=recipients,subject=subject,body=body)send_async_email(msg)


def async(f):def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):t = Greenlet.spawn(f, *args, **kwargs)gevent.joinall([t])return wrapper

I have tried to add:

from myproject.app import create_app
app = create_app()
with app.app_context():mail.send(msg)

to send_async_email() but then I get

ImportError: cannot import name create_app


For historical purposes: putting the from myproject.app import create_app inside the send_async_email instead of at the top of with the rest of the imports solved the ImportError, because it caused a circular dependency.


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