How to extract a specific value from a dictionary in python

2024/10/14 23:14:53

I want to extract distance from google distance matrix API in Python. The objet it returned is a python dictionary.

{'destination_addresses': [Mumbai, Maharashtra, India '],'origin_addresses': ['Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India'],'rows': [{'elements': [{'distance': {'text': u '47.1 km','value': 47086},'duration': {'text': '1 hour 17 mins','value': 4628},'status': 'OK'}]}],'status': 'OK'}

I want to extract the distance and duration from above. I have used

distance = my_distance["rows"]
for a in distance:result = a["elements"]print result

It gave me

[{u 'duration': {u 'text': u '1 hour 17 mins', u 'value': 4628}, u 'distance': {u 'text': u '47.1 km', u 'value': 47086}, u 'status': u 'OK'

Now how to extract duration (1 hour 17 mins) and distance (47.1 km) and their corresponding values (4628 & 47086)


You may simply do it as:

print "time taken : ", d["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["duration"]["text"]
print "distance : ", d["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["text"]
print "distance value : ", d["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["value"]
print "duration value : ", d["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["duration"]["value"]

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