Maya: Defer a script until after VRay is registered?

2024/10/14 16:20:06

I'm trying to delay a part of my pipeline tool (which runs during the startup of Maya) to run after VRay has been registered.

I'm currently delaying the initialization of the tool in a like so:

def run_my_tool():import my_toolreload(my_tool)mc.evalDeferred("run_my_tool()")

I've tried using evalDeferred within the tool to delay the execution of the render_settings script, but it keeps running before VRay has been registered. Any thoughts on how to create a listener for the VRay register event, or what event that is? Thanks!


Made a new topic to figure out how to correctly use theodox's condition/scriptJob commands suggestion here.


Uiron over at showed me how to do this properly. Here's a link to the thread

Here's the post by uiron:

"don't pass the python code as string unless you have to. Wherever a python callback is accepted (that's not everywhere in Maya's api, but mostly everywhere), try one of these:

# notice that we're passing a function, not function call
mc.scriptJob(runOnce=True, e=["idle", myObject.myMethod], permanent=True)
mc.scriptJob(runOnce=True, e=["idle", myGlobalFunction], permanent=True)# when in doubt, wrap into temporary function; remember that in Python you can 
# declare functions anywhere in the code, even inside other functions
open_file_path = '...'
def idle_handler(*args):# here's where you solve the 'how to pass the argument into the handler' problem - # use variable from outer scopefile_manip_open_fn(open_file_path)
mc.scriptJob(runOnce=True, e=["idle", idle_handler], permanent=True)


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