Webfaction Django 1.4.1: easy_thumbnails 3.0b – Couldnt get the thumbnail error

2024/10/13 16:20:09

I use easy_thumbnails and it works fine on a development machine but in production I get errors like shown below, when I use {% thumbnail photo.image 300x170 %} templatetag.

Though can directly browse http://sitename.com/media/uploads/2012/09/13/microsoft1.jpeg`. Also media set correctly and uploads are being placed at the right place, what is missing then what might be wrong?

File "/home/imanhodjaev/lib/python2.7/django/template/base.py" in render823. bit = self.render_node(node, context)
File "/home/imanhodjaev/lib/python2.7/django/template/debug.py" in render_node74. return node.render(context)
File "/home/imanhodjaev/lib/python2.7/easy_thumbnails/templatetags/thumbnail.py" in render99. (source, e))
Exception Type: TemplateSyntaxError at /petition/microsoft-myi-hotim-kyirgyizskij-rasklad-klaviatur/update-picture
Exception Value: Couldn't get the thumbnail uploads/2012/09/13/microsoft1.jpeg: The source file does not appear to be an image


ThumbnailerImageField from easy_thumbnails is used

class Petition(models.Model):title = models.CharField(max_length=512)slug = models.SlugField(max_length=512, editable=False, blank=True)description = models.TextField()petition_text = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)petition_picture = ThumbnailerImageField(upload_to=get_upload_path, blank=True)


I did investigation from Django's management shell and get_thumbnailer function works fine

>>> thumb_url = get_thumbnailer(pet.petition_picture)
>>> thumb_url
<ThumbnailerImageFieldFile: uploads/2012/09/13/microsoft1.jpeg>
>>> thumb_url.url

And when I call get thumbnail method it fails

>>> thumb_url = get_thumbnailer(pet.petition_picture).get_thumbnail(options)
Traceback (most recent call last):File "<input>", line 1, in <module>File "/home/imanhodjaev/lib/python2.7/easy_thumbnails/files.py", line 380, in get_thumbnailthumbnail = self.generate_thumbnail(thumbnail_options)File "/home/imanhodjaev/lib/python2.7/easy_thumbnails/files.py", line 290, in generate_thumbnail"The source file does not appear to be an image")
InvalidImageFormatError: The source file does not appear to be an image

The problem was because of by default pip install PIL on my Webfaction instance was linked with libjpeg so did pip install PIllow and followed the article at http://community.webfaction.com/questions/7340/how-to-install-pil-with-truetype-support


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