getting friendlist from facebook graph-api

2024/10/13 14:23:32

I am trying to get user's friend list from facebook Graph-api. So after getting access token when I try to open by urlopen by

this doesn't give friend_list of person(facebook_id) not even when I open it directly on the browser, at least not the entire list. This is what it shows on the browser

{"data": [{"name": "Face_id_name","id": "facebook_numeric_id"}],"paging": {"next": ""},"summary": {"total_count": 263}

In data it doesn't show the entire list and when I use link to paging: next: it doesn't give me anything just total count again.
I am not entirely sure whether my url is right or not.


You can´t get the friends of ANY user, you can only get the friends of the authorized user and only those who authorized the App too - for privacy reasons. So this is the only correct call:

There is no need to use the ID, because you can only use the ID of the authorized user anyway. So you can just use "me" instead.

More information about the limited friend result can be found in countless other threads, for example: Facebook Graph Api v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my app

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