How to POST ndb.StructuredProperty?

2024/10/13 8:21:26


I have following EndpointsModels,

class Role(EndpointsModel):label = ndb.StringProperty()level = ndb.IntegerProperty()class Application(EndpointsModel):created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)name = ndb.StringProperty()roles = ndb.StructuredProperty(Role, repeated=True)

and an API method:

class ApplicationApi(protorpc.remote.Service):@Application.method(http_method="POST",request_fields=('name', 'roles'),name="create",path="applications")def ApplicationAdd(self, instance):return instance

When I try to POST this data:

{ "name": "test", "roles": [{ "label": "test", "level": 0 }] }

I'm getting an error ( trace ):

AttributeError: 'Role' object has no attribute '_Message__decoded_fields'


I tried to use EndpointsAliasProperty:

class ApplicationApi(protorpc.remote.Service):...def roless_set(self, value) = DEFAULT_ROLES@EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=roless_set)def roless(self):return getattr(self, 'roles', [])

which results in 400 BadRequest

Error parsing ProtoRPC request (Unable to parse request content: Expected type <type 'unicode'> for field roless, found {u'level': 0, u'label': u'test'} (type <type 'dict'>))

If I add property_type to the alias:

    @EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=roless_set, property_type=Role)

I'm getting server error again ( trace ):

TypeError: Property field must be either a subclass of a simple ProtoRPC field, a ProtoRPC enum class or a ProtoRPC message class. Received Role<label=StringProperty('label'), level=IntegerProperty('level')>.

Is there a way to "convert" EndpointsModel to ProtoRPC message class? Are there any better solutions for creating models with StructuredProperty using POST data? I couldn't find any examples for this, if someone knows any links, please share (:


After some digging through source code, I found EndpointsModel.ProtoModel() that can be used to convert ndb.Model to ProtoRPC message class

    @EndpointsAliasProperty(setter=roless_set, property_type=Role.ProtoModel())

This resolves issue with EndpointsAliasProperty workaround, but the problem remains...


Check this repo: Here I was demonstrating error in endpoints-proto-datastore which in latest version should be fixed. So upgrade in repository to latest endpoints-proto-datastore and you should have working example which similar to what you want to achieve.

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