Replace values in a string

2024/10/13 2:16:35

So the challenge was to replace a specific word in a sentence with asterisks with equivalent length to that word - 3 letters --> 3 asterisks etc.

Section One does not work, but Section Two does - can anyone critique Section One and maybe point out the possible mistake I was making, as the logic seemed sound originally?

def censor(text, word):for c in text:if c == word:                         ## this line was totally wrongtext.replace(c, "*" * len(c))return text

The next segment does work, then CodeAcademy's answer was way different:

def censor(text, word):a = "*" * len(word)for c in text:nw = text.split(word)return a.join(nw)

How would you approach this task?


The second solution is not perfect either:

def censor(text, word):a = "*" * len(word)nw = text.split(word)  # no need for a loop here, one split catches all occurrencesreturn a.join(nw)

For your first attempt:

def censor(text, word):# for c in text:  # loops char by char#  if c == word:  # one character likely won't be your word#    text.replace(c, "*" * len(c))  # does nothing, string is immutablereturn text.replace(word, "*" * len(word))  # simple!

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