HTML form button to run PHP to execute Python script

2024/10/12 12:24:51

I am building an HTML document that is meant to run locally. On it is a button that I would like to have run a Python script when clicked. I'm trying to use a PHP-generated button. There's no input or output that I want to associate with the button; I just want it to run the script, which produces charts as image files that the rest of the page uses. I have tried a couple different ways to do it, including putting the PHP part in the HTML document, before the HTML:

<?phpif (isset($_POST['update'])){exec('python');}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body><form name="update" method="post" >
<button name = "update" type="submit"> Update charts </button>

I've also tried making the PHP code its own .php document in the same directory and calling it from the HTML code as so:

<form action = "updateCharts.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="update" />

where updateCharts.php is:

<?phpsystem('cd C:\My\Script\Path');system('python');

I've also tried substituting "system" with "exec" but to no avail. In the first part, I click the button and nothing happens. In the second, I click the button and I am taken to the text of the PHP document. In neither case does my Python script run!

Does anyone see what I'm missing? I'm admittedly a novice with php so it may be something glaring. Thanks for the help!


What this:

$command = escapeshellcmd('python /My/Script/Path/');
// or
// $command = escapeshellcmd('/My/Script/Path/');
// But you have to make your script executable doing: chmod +x
$output = shell_exec($command);
echo $output;

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