How to find a source when a website uses javascript

2024/10/12 0:30:23

What I want to achieve

I am trying to scrape the website below using Beautiful-soup and when I load the page it does not give the table that shows various quotes. In my previous posts folks have helped me providing the website that actually fed the main website but I am not sure how did they find it.Once I have pulled the data I can do the rest.


What has been tried.

I tried to use Selenium driver but getting different errors which might need more time and not comfortable using Selenium. Eventually I plan to create an exe that downloads the information to excel file.


Lots of pages in the web uses JS to change the page. These changes are not visible to Beautiful-soup because it doesn't execute JS. I can think of two options:

  • You could use tools like Selenium that actually runs a full fledged browser with JS.
  • You could open the website in Chrome or Firefox, open web inspector than refresh the page. Watch for XHR requests in network tab, you may find the request that brings the data you are looking for. If you found it you could directly load that page instead of the main page.

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