Using peakutils - Detecting dull peaks

2024/10/11 21:26:57

I'm currently using peakutils to find peaks in some data. My data contains some "dull peaks", that is my peaks plateau somewhat. I can't set my code to find these peaks even after playing around with the threshold and minimum distance parameters. The graph has the same maximum for 2 straight data points, and then fall back down. Yet they are still not considered peaks. Any help would be appreciated.

Graph 1

My code is essentially the same as in this example.


In working with the repo owner on this same problem I discovered that the module was not up to date. I made the mistake as a beginner to python of assuming that imports were always the most recent version, a simple version update resolved this issue as the module has included this feature in version 1.1.0. I had to ask my own question for this, days ago, as I could not comment on your question due to low rep.

What I did, in terminal, is run pip freeze to find my current version and then sudo pip install peakutils --upgrade to update it.

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