Turtle in Tkinter creating multiple windows

2024/10/11 18:17:48

I am attempting to create a quick turtle display using Tkinter, but some odd things are happening.

First two turtle windows are being created, (one blank, one with the turtles), secondly, any attempt of turning the tracer off is not working.

This might be a simple fix but at the moment I cannot find it.

Any help would be appreciated,

Below is the code:

import tkinter as tk
import turtlewindow = tk.Tk()
window.title('Top 10\'s')def loadingscreen():canvas = tk.Canvas(master = window, width = 500, height = 500)canvas.pack()arc1 = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)arc2 = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)#clean up the turtles and release the windowdef cleanup():turtle.tracer(True)arc1.ht()arc2.ht()turtle.done()#animate the turtlesdef moveTurtles(rangevar,radius,extent,decrease):for distance in range(rangevar):arc1.circle(-radius,extent = extent)arc2.circle(-radius,extent = extent)radius -= decrease#Set the turtledef setTurtle(turt,x,y,heading,pensize,color):turt.pu()turt.goto(x,y)turt.pd()turt.seth(heading)turt.pensize(pensize)turt.pencolor(color)#draw on the canvasdef draw():#set variablesrangevar = 200radius = 200decrease = 1extent = 2#setup and draw the outlineturtle.tracer(False)setTurtle(arc1,0,200,0,40,'grey')setTurtle(arc2,14,-165,180,40,'grey')moveTurtles(rangevar,radius,extent,decrease)#setup and animate the logo turtle.tracer(True)setTurtle(arc1,0,200,0,20,'black')setTurtle(arc2,14,-165,180,20,'black')moveTurtles(rangevar,radius,extent,decrease)#main programdef main():turtle.tracer(False)arc1.speed(0)arc2.speed(0)draw()cleanup()if __name__ == "__main__":try:main()except:print("An error occurred!!")loadingscreen()

Essentially I am creating a Tk window, then a canvas, then two turtles, and then animating these turtles


My guess is you're trying to call turtle screen methods without actually having a turtle screen. When turtle is embedded in tkinter like this, you can overlay a Canvas with a TurtleScreen instance which will provide some, but not all, of the screen features of the standalone turtle:

import tkinter as tk
from turtle import RawTurtle, TurtleScreendef cleanup():""" hide the turtles """arc1.hideturtle()arc2.hideturtle()def moveTurtles(rangevar, radius, extent, decrease):""" animate the turtles """for _ in range(rangevar):arc1.circle(-radius, extent=extent)arc2.circle(-radius, extent=extent)radius -= decreasedef setTurtle(turtle, x, y, heading, pensize, color):turtle.penup()turtle.goto(x, y)turtle.pendown()turtle.setheading(heading)turtle.pensize(pensize)turtle.pencolor(color)def draw():# set variablesrangevar = 200radius = 200decrease = 1extent = 2screen.tracer(False)  # turn off animation while drawing outline# setup and draw the outlinesetTurtle(arc1, 0, 200, 0, 40, 'grey')setTurtle(arc2, 14, -165, 180, 40, 'grey')moveTurtles(rangevar, radius, extent, decrease)screen.tracer(True)  # turn animation back on for the following# setup and animate the logosetTurtle(arc1, 0, 200, 0, 20, 'black')setTurtle(arc2, 14, -165, 180, 20, 'black')moveTurtles(rangevar, radius, extent, decrease)# main programwindow = tk.Tk()
window.title("Top 10's")canvas = tk.Canvas(master=window, width=500, height=500)
canvas.pack()screen = TurtleScreen(canvas)arc1 = RawTurtle(screen)
arc1.speed('fastest')arc2 = RawTurtle(screen)

Another suggestion: don't mess with tracer() until after everything else is working and then (re)read it's documentation carefully.


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