Send and receive signals from another class pyqt

2024/10/11 20:27:45

I am needing a way to receive signals sent by a Class to another class. I have 2 classes: In my first class I have a function that emits a signal called 'asignal' In my second class I call the first class function, and it emits a signal. but I can't connect the first class signal to my pushbutton. How I can do that?

I get this error: AttributeError: 'QPushButton' object has no attribute 'asignal'

from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
import sysclass Signals(QObject):asignal = pyqtSignal(str)def __init__(self):super(Signals, self).__init__()self.do_something()def do_something(self):self.asignal.emit('Hi, im a signal')class Main(QWidget):def __init__(self):super(Main, self).__init__()self.setGeometry(300, 250, 400, 300) coso(self):btn = QPushButton('click me')btn.asignal.connect(lambda sig: print("Signal recieved" + sig))s = Signals()s.do_something()if __name__ == '__main__':app = QApplication(sys.argv)main = Main()app.exec_()

I want a way to receive the signal emitted from my 'Signals' class to my 'Main' class. And then, in my main class, connect the signal to a Widget.


QPushButton is not a Signals object, so thats why you get the error.

s = Signals()
s.asignal.connect(lambda sig: print("Signal recieved" + sig))

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