Django Redirect after Login Error

2024/10/11 20:31:56

Im new to Django and I know that to redirect after login I have to set the parameter 'page'. But this only works when the login is successful.

How can i do the same thing when some error occurs??

Ps: Im currently also using django-registration with simple backend


I think it's what you are looking for:

# Login
def connection(request):# Redirect to dashboard if the user is logif request.user.is_authenticated():return redirect('YourProject.views.home')# Control if a POST request has been sent.if request.method == 'POST':username = request.POST['username']password = request.POST['password']user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)if user is not None: #Verify form's content existenceif user.is_active: #Verify validitylogin(request, user)return redirect('/index') #It's ok, so go to indexelse:return redirect('/an_url/') #call the login viewreturn render(request, 'login.html', locals())  #You can remove local() it is for user's data viewing..

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