Creating a C++ Qt Gui for a Python logic

2024/10/10 22:20:27

I was presented with a Python logic for which I need to create a GUI. I want to use Qt for that purpose and ideally I would like to program it in C++, without using the Qt Creator.

What are recommended ways of combining a C++ Qt GUI and a Python logic, perhaps with a controlling layer which is either in Python or C++?

Due to prior research, I'm aware of certain tools like PySide, PythonQt, SWIG, Shiboken and others (although I haven't used them so far) and that it is very simple to import *.ui files into Python, but the number of possible ways is a bit overwhelming and I could not come up with a "good solution" so far.

Ideally, I would not use Qt Designer, but create the GUI (windows, custom widgets, helper classes etc) by hand, combine them into one or few classes which I expose to a Python/C++ controlling layer (by wrappers? DLL?) which manages the communication between GUI and logic.

How can I achieve this?

A short version of this question might just be: How can I use a Qt C++ GUI with a Python logic?


You can create your GUI application using qt c++ and wrap controler logic written in a python api embedding the python api. But if you have many methods that will be boring to do and you may have some memory leaks if not well written in th c++ side.

Another solution may be using rpc calls to a python api using a webservice (rest api/json rpc ....Etc...). Qt application is client of a python rest api. like this you split the c code from the python one. You can do that using json rpc calls , or other apis,like jcon ( You will too be able to find python and QT xml rpc api able to talk together.

swig ( may have some capability , but it is better used in the other way : calling c func from python

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