How do I structure a repo with Cloud Run needing higher level code?

2024/10/10 22:20:04

I have added code to a repo to build a Cloud Run service. The structure is like this: enter image description here

I want to run in cr.

Is there any way I can deploy cr without just copying into the cr directory? (I don't want to do it since here are lots of other folders and files that represents). The problem is due to the Dockerfile being unable to see folders above. Also how would eg import from

TIA you lovely people.


You have to build your container with the correct parameters, and therefore, not to use the gcloud run deploy --source=. .... to build your container with default parameters

With docker, the Dockerfile by default is in the PATH/Dokerfile. But you can override that default behavior with the -f parameter to indicate the Dockerfile location.

For example, you can do that

cd topdocker build -f ./a/cr/Dockerfile .

Like that, you provide to the docker build runtime the current path (here top, and the current path is represented but the dot at the end .).

And you also specify the full path of the Dockerfile inside this current path.

So that, you have to update your Dockerfile, because the COPY . . will no longer copy the cr path, but the whole top directory.


To validate my answer, I exactly do what you ask in your comment. I used gcloud build summit but:

  • I ran the command from the top directory
  • I created a cloudbuild.yaml file
steps:- name: ''entrypoint: 'bash'args:- -c- |docker build -f ./a/cr/Dockerfile -t <YOUR TAG> .docker push <YOUR TAG>

you can't perform a gcloud builds submit --tag <YOUR TAG> from the top directory if you haven't a Dockerfile in the root dir.

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