Getting Turtle in Python to recognize click events [duplicate]

2024/10/10 14:24:59

I'm trying to make Connect 4 in python, but I can't figure out how to get the coordinates of the screen click so I can use them. Right now, I want to draw the board, then have someone click, draw a dot, then go back to the top of the while loop, wipe the screen and try again. I've tried a couple different options but none have seemed to work for me.

def play_game():
When this function runs, allows the user to play a game of Connect 4
against another person
turn = 1
is_winner = False
while is_winner == False:# Clears screenclear()# Draws empty boardcenters = draw_board()# Decides whose turn it is, change color appropriatelyif turn % 2 == 0:color = REDelse:color = BLACK# Gets coordinates of clickpenup()onscreenclick(goto)dot(HOLE_SIZE, color)turn += 1

As well intentioned as the other answers are, I don't believe either addresses the actual problem. You've locked out events by introducing an infinite loop in your code:

is_winner = False
while is_winner == False:

You can't do this with turtle graphics -- you set up the event handlers and initialization code but turn control over to the main loop event handler. My following rework show how you might do so:

import turtlecolors = ["red", "black"]
HOLE_SIZE = 2turn = 0
is_winner = Falsedef draw_board():passreturn (0, 0)def dot(color):turtle.color(color, color)turtle.stamp()def goto(x, y):global turn, is_winner# add code to determine if we have a winnerif not is_winner:# Clears screenturtle.clear()turtle.penup()# Draws empty boardcenters = draw_board()turtle.goto(x, y)# Decides whose turn it is, change color appropriatelycolor = colors[turn % 2 == 0]dot(color)turn += 1else:passdef start_game():"""When this function runs, sets up a newgame of Connect 4 against another person"""global turn, is_winnerturn = 1is_winner = Falseturtle.shape("circle")turtle.shapesize(HOLE_SIZE)# Gets coordinates of clickturtle.onscreenclick(goto)start_game()turtle.mainloop()

Run it and you'll see the desired behavior you described.

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