Driving costs - functions in python- EOFerror in if __name__ == __main__:

2024/10/10 6:15:08

I am stuck with this question:

Write a function driving_cost() with input parameters miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, and miles_driven, that returns the dollar cost to drive those miles. All items are of type float. The function called with arguments (20.0, 3.1599, 50.0) returns 7.89975.

Define that function in a program whose inputs are the car's miles per gallon and the price of gas in dollars per gallon (both float). Output the gas cost for 10 miles, 50 miles, and 400 miles, by calling your driving_cost() function three times.

Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: print(f'{your_value:.2f}')

Ex: If the input is:

20.0 3.1599 the output is:

1.58 7.90 63.20 Your program must define and call a function: def driving_cost(miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, miles_driven)

The question also gets evaluated using a direct call of the function like this: driving_cost(20.0,3.1599, 50.0) which is the part that is broken.

Here is my code so far:

def driving_cost(miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, miles_driven):return dollars_per_gallon/miles_per_gallon*miles_drivenmiles_per_gallon=float(input())
dollars_per_gallon=float(input())miles=[10, 50, 400]
for i in miles:print(f'{driving_cost(miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, i):.2f}')if __name__ == '__main__':miles_driven=float(input());cost=driving_cost(miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, miles_driven);print(f'{cost:.2f}');

If I just input values, the top section executes but if I call the function like this driving_cost(20.0,3.1599, 50.0) I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):File "main.py", line 4, in <module>miles_per_gallon=float(input())
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'driving_cost(20.0, 3.1599, 50.0)' 

I don't completely grasp the if __name__ == '__main__': thing either but I really don't understand why this error is occurring. Even when I include the other inputs in the if __name__ == '__main__': part of the program, I get that error. Help please?


This was a challenge, I ain't going to lie. I worked on this for hours and the instructions are sloppy to say the least. I put a default value on miles_driven as a parameter and then just did the math for 10, 50, and 400 miles in the print line at the bottom, calling the function (driving_cost) three times as instructed.

I tried to make a variable for a third input or argument (miles_driven), but it would not accept it for some reason. Not sure if it is a problem on there end because the instruction made it seem like a third argument would be sometimes inputted, but it never was.

The following code was accepted and marked as complete, so hope it helps.

def driving_cost(miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, miles_driven=10.0):return (miles_driven / miles_per_gallon) * dollars_per_gallonif __name__ == '__main__':# Type your code here.miles = float(input())dollars = float(input())price = driving_cost(miles, dollars) print(f'{price:.2f}')print(f'{price * 5:.2f}')print(f'{price * 40:.2f}')

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