Dynamic html table with django [closed]

2024/10/10 6:18:53

I want to realize HTML page with table which consist from date from database. And if I add element to database I want to HTML table updated too. How to realize it with django?


You can write something like this:

In your models.py file :

class MyModel(models.Model):foo = models.CharField(max_length=...)bar = models.CharField(max_length=...)...def __str__(self):return self.foo, self.bar

Then, in your views.py file:

def MyFunction(request):my_var = MyModel.objects.all()return render(request, 'Template.html', {"my_var": my_var})

And finally in your template.html file :

{% load staticfiles %}
{% load static %}{% block content %}{% for object in my_var_list %}<table style="width:90%"><tbody><p></p><tr><td>foo</td><td>{{ object.foo }}</td></tr><tr><td>bar</td><td>{{ object.bar }}</td></tr></tbody>
</table>{% endfor %}{% endblock content %}

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