Python string formatting with percentage (TypeError: not enough arguments for format string)

2024/10/9 12:27:23

The following code fails to run.

It goes through a CSV file and retrieves the values and formats them in a array of tuples (a insert query) to be used later. Problem is the csv last column is sometimes a String or nothing (as shown in csv sample below). The error follows. Can anyone help me with this?

def csv_to_DB(csv_input):with open(csv_input, newline='') as csvfile:csv_data = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')to_insert = [] # will be list of tuplesinsert_str = "INSERT INTO table (ID, user, user_version, value, description) VALUES "template = "('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"for row in csv_data:to_insert.append(tuple(row)) # convert row/list to tuple and add it to listquery = insert_str + '\n'.join(template % to_insert)#use query for other operations...

CSV sample:



    query = insert_str + '\n'.join(template % to_insert)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

Note: this question is a followup from this question


To clarify: the goal is to create one INSERT with several values instead of several inserts. In this case:

INSERT INTO table (ID, user, user_version, value, description) VALUES 
('1', 'aaa', '1', '0.0', ''), 
('2', 'bbb', '1', '0.13', ''), 
('3', 'ccc', '1', '0.0', ''), 
('4', 'ddd', '3', '1.0', 'Rom'), 
('5', 'eee', '1', '0.08', '')

to_insert will be:

[('1', 'aaa', '1', '0.0', ''), ('2', 'bbb', '1', '0.13', ''), ('3', 'ccc', '1', '0.0', ''), ('4', 'ddd', '3', '1.0', 'Rom'), ('5', 'eee', '1', '0.08', '')]

The desired output can be achieved with simple string additions without the need for a string template:

def xing_csv_to_crmDB2(csv_input):query = ''with open(csv_input, 'r', newline='') as csvfile:csv_data = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')insert_str = "INSERT INTO table (ID, user, user_version, value, description) VALUES "for row in csv_data:query += '\n' + str(tuple(row))insert_str += query
# do something

this produces the following output:

INSERT INTO table (ID, user, user_version, value, description) VALUES
('1', 'aaa', '1', '0.0', '')
('2', 'bbb', '1', '0.13', '')
('3', 'ccc', '1', '0.0', '')
('4', 'ddd', '3', '1.0', 'Rom')
('5', 'eee', '1', '0.08', '')

UPDATE: according to @Tomerikoo's idea, an even more simplified version:

def xing_csv_to_crmDB2(csv_input):with open(csv_input, 'r', newline='') as csvfile:csv_data = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')insert_str = "INSERT INTO table (ID, user, user_version, value, description) VALUES "for row in csv_data:insert_str += '\n' + str(tuple(row))
# do something

output is still the same.

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