Error: unhashable type: dict

2024/10/9 10:30:19

i have a problem with Django: I can't show the data from mysql database in the table. I see the error "Exception Value: unhashable type: 'dict'" This is my code:

return HttpResponse(template.render(context),args, {'List_of_date': List_of_date})

class El(models.Model):id_ch=models.IntegerField()TXT = models.CharField(max_length=200) 


<table><thead><tr><th>№</th><th>Text</th></tr></thead><tbody>{% for i in List_of_date %}<tr><td class="center">{{ i.id_ch }}</td><td class="center">{{ i.TXT }}</td></tr>{% endfor %}</tbody></table>

Can anybody help me?


You are passing bad arguments to HttpResponse constructor signature is

HttpResponse.__init__(content='', content_type=None, status=200, reason=None, charset=None)

and I thinks you want to use {'List_of_date': List_of_date} as context for template render. So you rather want call something like (i don't know what menas your args variable)

return HttpResponse(template.render(Context({'List_of_date': List_of_date})))

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