Cant import from module despite presence of

2024/10/9 0:47:08

I have the following folder structure

project_folder/pyutils/ lambdas/__init__.pylambda_script1.pylambda_script2.pylambda_tests/

Within I have the following attempts

from lambdas.lambda_script1 import * # errors saying no module named lambdas
from .lambdas.lambda_script1 import * # errors saying ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__main__.lambdas'; '__main__' is not a package
from ..lambdas.lmabda_script1 import * # errors saying tried to import above top level path

I'm trying to run my tests from the project folder with a command like

python pyutils/lambda_tests/

But none of the options seem to work

If I run IPython from within the pyutils folder and run from lambdas.lambda_script1 import * it works. Is this a python path problem?

I also tried adding an at the project folder and it still didn't work

project_folder/pyutils/ lambdas/__init__.pylambda_script1.pylambda_script2.pylambda_tests/

Firstly, export your pythonpath to be the root of your project

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/project_folder/py_utils

Then you would use imports like:

import script1

import script2

import lambdas.lambda_script1

import lambdas.lambda_script2

import lambdas_tests.lambda_test1

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