Stop Button in Tkinter

2024/10/8 8:27:17

I'm trying to have a turtle animation start with a button and stop with a button. It's very easy to start with a button but I can't seem to be able to figure out a stop button? Here's my code so far:

import turtle
import tkinter as tk
def start():t.forward(100)t.right(90)t.forward(100)t.left(90)t.forward(100)t.right(90)t.forward(100)t.right(90)t.forward(100)def stop():t.stopdef clear():canvas.delete("all")root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(width = 500, height = 500)
canvas.pack()t = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)tk.Button(text = "Start", command = start).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Stop", command = stop).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Clear", command = clear).pack(side = tk.LEFT)root.mainloop()

Also the clear button works but afterwards the start button doesn't work anymore. If someone can help me with that as well.

Thank you to @Mike - SMT for helping me with this code. Here's the edited and fully functioning code:

import turtle
import tkinter as tkdef start(turtle_object, draw_path):global tracker, start_ndex, end_ndex, startedtracker = Falseif started == False:started = Truefor i in range(start_ndex, end_ndex):if tracker == False and i <= end_ndex:pth = draw_path[i]if pth[0] == "f":turtle_object.forward(pth[1])elif pth[0] == "r":turtle_object.right(pth[1])elif pth[0] == "l":turtle_object.left(pth[1])start_ndex += 1running = Truedef stop():global tracker, startedtracker = Truestarted = Falsedef clear():global t, tracker, started, start_ndext.reset()start_ndex = 0started = Falset = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)root = tk.Tk()
tracker = False
start_ndex = 0
started = False # added this tracking variable to prevent issues with     spamming the start button.draw_path = [["f", 100], ["r", 90], ["f", 100], ["l", 90], ["f", 100], ["r", 90], ["f", 100], ["r", 90], ["f", 100]]end_ndex = len(draw_path)canvas = tk.Canvas(width = 500, height = 500)
canvas.pack()t = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)
tk.Button(text = "Start", command = lambda: start(t, draw_path)).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Stop", command = stop).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Clear", command = clear).pack(side = tk.LEFT)

You cannot stop each draw statement unless you provide a checker in between each line drawn.

The below code is just a rough mock up of how you could make something to check for a tracking variable used to tell it to no longer draw new lines.

The closest thing you can do to being able to stop drawing is something like this:

import turtle
import tkinter as tkdef start():global trackertracker = Falseif tracker == False:t.forward(100)if tracker == False:t.right(90)if tracker == False:t.forward(100)if tracker == False:t.left(90)if tracker == False:t.forward(100)if tracker == False:t.right(90)if tracker == False:t.forward(100)if tracker == False:t.right(90)if tracker == False:t.forward(100)def stop():global trackertracker = Truedef clear():canvas.delete("all")root = tk.Tk()
tracker = False
canvas = tk.Canvas(width = 500, height = 500)
canvas.pack()t = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)tk.Button(text = "Start", command = start).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Stop", command = stop).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Clear", command = clear).pack(side = tk.LEFT)root.mainloop()

This will at least stop drawing after each line but you cannot stop mid line draw.

Just for the fun of it if we add some tracking variables and use some cleaner logic we can start, stop and start again.

Update: From @cdlane's comment below I have added addition tracking and updated the clear function. This should allow for start stop start without issues and also be able to clear the field.

import turtle
import tkinter as tkdef start(turtle_object, draw_path):global tracker, start_ndex, end_ndex, startedtracker = Falseif started == False:started = Truefor i in range(start_ndex, end_ndex):if tracker == False and i <= end_ndex:pth = draw_path[i]if pth[0] == "f":turtle_object.forward(pth[1])elif pth[0] == "r":turtle_object.right(pth[1])elif pth[0] == "l":turtle_object.left(pth[1])start_ndex += 1def stop():global tracker, startedtracker = Truestarted = Falsedef clear():global t, tracker, started, start_ndexcanvas.delete("all")tracker = Falsestart_ndex = 0started = Falset = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)root = tk.Tk()
tracker = False
start_ndex = 0
started = False # added this tracking variable to prevent issues with spamming the start button.draw_path = [["f", 100], ["r", 90], ["f", 100], ["l", 90], ["f", 100], ["r", 90], ["f", 100], ["r", 90], ["f", 100]]end_ndex = len(draw_path)canvas = tk.Canvas(width = 500, height = 500)
canvas.pack()t = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)
tk.Button(text = "Start", command = lambda: start(t, draw_path)).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Stop", command = stop).pack(side = tk.LEFT)
tk.Button(text = "Clear", command = clear).pack(side = tk.LEFT)

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