TypeError: list object is not callable [duplicate]

2024/10/7 19:21:04

I can't find the problem i'm facing...
this is exactly what the error tells me:

File "C:/Users/Rodrigo Villalta/Desktop/listasparimpar.py", line 38,
in listas_par_imparif lista2(m) > lista2 [m+1]: TypeError: 'list' object is not callable

This is the code:

def listas_par_impar(lista,lista2):
for i in lista2:if i % 2 == 0:lista=lista+[i]else:passfor i in lista:if i %2 != 0:lista2=lista2+[i]else:passfor i in lista:if i%2==0:if i not in lista3:lista3=lista3+[i]lista=lista[1:]for i in lista2:if i%2!=0:if i not in lista4:lista4=lista4+[i]lista=lista[1:]for recorrido in range(1,len(lista)):for posicion in range(len(lista)-recorrido):if lista(posicion) > lista [posicion+1]:lista[posicion], lista[posicion+1] = lista[posicion+1], lista[posicion]for r in range(1,len(lista2)):for m in range(len(lista2)-r):if lista2(m) > lista2 [m+1]:lista2[m], lista2[m+1] = lista2[m+1], lista2[m]print (lista4, lista3)

In this line:

if lista2(m) > lista2 [m+1]:

… you've written lista2(m) instead of lista2[m].

This means you're trying to call lista2 like a function, with argument m. What you wanted to do is index lista2 like a list, with index m.


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