How can I implement a stopwatch in my socket Python program

2024/10/6 4:56:40

I am creating a very simple ping program in Python that will send 16- 64 bytes of information to a local server, once the server has received all the bytes, it will send back a 1 Byte message back to the client. (We are testing wifi speeds...) it is very crucial that my client program measures how much time it took to send these bytes. I need a "stopwatch" to measure in milliseconds how much time it took to get the 1 byte message back from the server.

My question is, how can I do this? I know that there is time library, but there is no function in there that can help me measure in milliseconds like I need. Thank you

Also I am using Python 3.4 for this project.


you can Use timeit module or use decorator to get execution time of function:

import time
def timer(func):def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):before = time.time()call = func(*args, **kwargs)after = time.time()print '%s function took %0.5f millisecond' % (func.__name__, (after-before)*1000.0)return callreturn func_wrapper@timer
def test():return[i**2 for i in range(10000)]test()


test function took 3.99995 millisecond

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