Deploying Django with apache using

2024/10/6 8:25:01

I'm trying to deploy a Django project on a linode server that has apache, some other django projects and a php project on it. Also my project is in a virualenv and the other django projects aren't.

My Django project apache file is

WSGIPythonPath /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions:/root/Envs/ylli-transactions/lib/python2.6/site-packages
WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/apache2/wsgi
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/ylli_transactions/
DocumentRoot /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/static<Directory /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions>
<Files>Order allow,denyAllow from all
</Directory>Alias  /static /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/static
Alias  /media /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/mediaErrorLog /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/logs/error.log
CustomLog /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/logs/access.log combined<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName my-domain.comServerAlias my-email</VirtualHost>

The PHP project apache file

<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName php-prject-domainServerAlias www.php-prject-domainDocumentRoot /home/nccylli/www/php-prject/CustomLog     /var/log/apache2/php-prject-access.log combinedErrorLog      /var/log/apache2/php-prject-error.log<IfModule mpm_itk_module>AssignUserId nccylli nccylli</IfModule>

Now I'm running into two errors
in the django project error log

(13)Permission denied: access to / denied
(13)Permission denied: mod_wsgi (pid=9780, process='', application='|'): Call to fopen() failed for '/home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/ylli_transactions/'.

and in the php project error log

mod_wsgi (pid=26782): Target WSGI script '/home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/ylli_transactions/' cannot be loaded as Python module.
mod_wsgi (pid=26782): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/ylli_transactions/'.
Traceback (most recent call last):File "/home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/ylli_transactions/", line 13, in <module>from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
ImportError: No module named wsgi

Any thoughts?


Try using following code:

<Directory /home/nccylli/www/ylli_transactions/ylli_transactions>
<Files>Order allow,denyAllow from all

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