I have a csv file with information about some computers on our network. I'd like to be able to type from the command line a quick line to bring me back the relevant items from the csv. In the format:
$ tag.py *hostname*
The csv has about 50 columns with information ranging from MAC address to last time seen on the network. I only want to output a selection of these columns when I search. I've written the necessary code and it works. However I want the search to be more flexible. As it stands, the search term needs to be exactly the same as the value I'm searching for. aka
$ tag.py mycomputer # This returns nothing
$ tag.py mycomputer.co.uk # This returns the information I want
$ tag.py 63746 # This returns nothing
$ tag.py 00063746 # This returns the information I want
So now for the code I have.
# Import Modulesimport sys
import csv# Get user Input
# I assume the script is used in the form script.py "search-term"
# If no input added to command, ask for user inputif len(sys.argv) < 2:print("Please enter a hostname or asset number.")search_1 = input("Search for:")
else:search_1=sys.argv[1]# Setup Variables
# Open cvs and setup csv.reader settingscsvfile = open("file.csv", "r", encoding="Latin-1")
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel', delimiter=",", quotechar="'")# Search cvs for the input stringfor line in reader:if search_1 in line:print("------------------------------------------------------")print(" Hostname = " + line[10])print(" " + line[11])print(" AssetId = " + line[30])print(" IP = " + line[7])print(" MAC = " + line[6])print(" Owner = " + line[15])print(" Username = " +line[14])print(" Tel = " + line[17])print(" Last Seen = " + line[27])print("------------------------------------------------------")csvfile.close()
I would like the code to be able to ignore the fqdn if I search for a hostname or to add the extra 0 characters to the asset number. I think I can fix the asset number issue with a len(search_1) < 8
append some 0
to the front until it is 8 characters long but that's avoiding the fact that I really would prefer to just search for the string without manipulating it to match the thing I'm looking for.