operation on a variable inside a class in python

2024/10/6 0:29:06

I'm new with oop and python. I've been trying to do a simple thing: there is class called Foo(),it contains a variable called x which is initially set to zero.

>>>a = Foo()

now I want to give a new value to x so:

>>>p.x = 1983

now a math operation should happen to x, for instance 1 is add to x.now x is 1984,so now when I call x:

>>> p.x
>>> 1984

also the program should check that whether or not the value given to x is negative or not.If it is negative it should return -1. I did this but it didn't work:(as I said it should do some mathematical operation on x,the operation itself is not really important)

class Foo():x = 0if x > 0:x %= 100elif x < 0:x = -1

I really don't now how should I update a class variable in they I mentioned. Thank you very much for your attention.


Assuming you don't need actual class attributes (you're always constructing an instance of Foo to use the attribute anyway, and it's not common for class attributes to be both public and logically mutable), the correct solution is to make x a property that wraps an instance attribute, which has independent values per instance, established in the __init__ initializer for the class:

class Foo:def __init__(self):self._x = 0  # _x is a protected instance attr that the property uses behind the scenes@propertydef x(self):  # getter for x is normalreturn self._x@x.setterdef x(self, newx):  # setter for x massages the value before setting itif newx >= 0:  # Cheaper to handle 0 on same code path as > 0 so you needn't test < 0newx %= 100else:newx = -1self._x = newx

Usage is pretty simple:

>>> myfoo = Foo()
>>> myfoo.x = 1983
>>> myfoo.x
>>> myfoo.x = -3748972983
>>> myfoo.x

In case it really needs to be a class attribute and it must be accessible on instances, the solution gets ugly, as you need a metaclass to provide propertys on classes, and additional properties on the class itself to delegate access on instances to the class itself.

Note: I strongly discourage actually doing this as anything other than an exercise:

class FooMeta(type):  # Inheriting from type makes metaclass@propertydef x(cls):return cls._x@x.setterdef x(cls, newx):if newx >= 0:newx %= 100else:newx = -1cls._x = newxclass Foo(metaclass=FooMeta):_x = 0# Must make properties on class if instances are to "benefit" from class property@propertydef x(self):return type(self).x@x.setterdef x(self, newx):type(self).x = newx

That allows the following to work:

>>> Foo.x  # x exists on Foo itself, not just instances
>>> Foo.x = 1983
>>> Foo.x
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f.x  # Accessible on instances too
>>> f.x = -234789
>>> f.x  # Same behavior on instance
>>> Foo.x  # Changing instance changed class

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